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I’ve been away, I know…

I know, I know. I’m horrible. I’ve been away for an obscene amount of time, neglected my blog, neglected my readers… I’ve just been an all around terrible blogger and I apologize. But in my defense, I’ve been busy.

Matt and I got married!

Kissy kissy! We just got hitched!


October 11, 2014 was the big day and it was amazing. We got married in a tiny, old (built in the 1800s!) wedding chapel here in the Orlando area. We only invited family and very few friends… kept it small. Our family members were our wedding party, our daughter was our flower girl, our decorations were simple… it was perfect. It ran so smoothly that by the end of the day, Matt and I looked at each other and laughed at the thought that we were even stressed about any of the planning in the first place.

After the wedding, Matt and I spent our honeymoon on a cruise. It was my very first one and I was super afraid of becoming seasick, but things went really smoothly. We had a lot of fun, tanned slightly and Matt taught me to play 3-card poker which was pretty hilarious.

Don't be fooled by the Instagram filter. We didn't tan that much! ;)
Don’t be fooled by the Instagram filter. We didn’t tan that much! 😉

We quickly got into newlywed life when we got back. We got home just in time to take little Haley bird trick-or-treating. I also room-mothered the heck out of her fall festival, class parties and two field trips. We started up her Girl Scout troop (I’m leading it), which is adorable and stressful all at the same time but totally worth seeing the smile on her face after every meeting. Matt and I finished a lot of the work we had to get done around the house. Oh! And…

Upgraded to Big Sister!

That’s right! Baby number 2 is on its way and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about it! We’re only around 7 weeks along and I know that most people keep these things a secret until they’re between 8 and 12 weeks, but as Christians, we believe that life begins at conception. And there is no reason not to celebrate this little life, even at just a few weeks along. We’re so excited about it!

So yes… I am extremely sorry for being away, and yes, I am back and I will be blogging regularly again, starting now. I’ve just been super busy, as you can see.

But hey! It’s a new year and there are plenty of things going on in our lives.. and I cannot wait to share it all with you!

God Bless! xxoo

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